Sains Malaysiana 53(9)(2024): 3229-3239


Enhanced Foreign Exchange Volatility Forecasting using CEEMDAN with Optuna-Optimized Ensemble Deep Learning Model

(Ramalan Kemeruapan Tukaran Asing yang Dipertingkatkan menggunakan CEEMDAN dengan Model Pembelajaran Mendalam Ensembel Dioptimumkan Optuna)




1Department of Statistics, Sardar Bahadur Khan Women's University, Quetta, Pakistan

2Department of Statistics, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan

3Department of Mathematics, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

4Department of Mathematics, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan


Diserahkan: 9 Disember 2023/Diterima: 15 Julai 2024



Foreign Exchange (FX) is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily trading volume that significantly exceeds that of stock and futures markets. The prediction of FX volatility is a critical financial concern that has garnered significant attention from researchers and practitioners due to its far-reaching implications in the financial markets. This paper presents a novel hybrid ensemble forecasting model integrating a decomposition strategy and three deep learning (DL) models: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This combination addresses individual models' limitations and further improves the accuracy and stability of FX volatility forecasting. The proposed approach utilizes the CEEMDAN technique to decompose volatility into multiple distinct intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) and merges these IMFs with GARCH and EGARCH volatilities to form the input dataset for the DL models. In addition, we employed an attention mechanism to improve the effectiveness of the DL techniques. Furthermore, the hyperparameters for the DL models are optimized using the Optuna algorithm. Finally, a hybrid ensemble model for forecasting exchange rate volatility is developed by combining the predictions of three distinct DL models. The proposed approach is evaluated against various benchmark models using evaluation measures such as MSE, MAE, HMSE, HMAE, RMSE, Q-LIKE, and the model confidence set (MCS) approach. The results demonstrate that our proposed approach provides accurate and reliable forecasts of FX volatility under different forecasting regimes, making it a valuable tool for financial practitioners and researchers.


Keywords: Currency exchange rate volatility; deep learning; ensemble; CEEMDAN; Optuna



Tukaran Asing (FX) merupakan pasaran kewangan terbesar di dunia dengan volum dagangan harian yang jauh melebihi pasaran saham dan pasaran hadapan. Ramalan turun naik FX merupakan kebimbangan kewangan yang kritikal serta telah mendapat perhatian daripada penyelidik dan pengamal kerana implikasinya yang meluas dalam pasaran kewangan. Kajian ini membentangkan model ramalan ensembel hibrid baharu yang menyepadukan strategi penguraian dan tiga model pembelajaran mendalam (DL): Memori Jangka Pendek Panjang (LSTM), LSTM Dwiarah (BiLSTM) dan Rangkaian Neural Konvolusi (CNN). Gabungan ini menangani had model individu dan meningkatkan lagi ketepatan dan kestabilan ramalan turun naik FX. Pendekatan yang dicadangkan menggunakan teknik CEEMDAN untuk menguraikan turun naik kepada pelbagai fungsi mod intrinsik (IMF) yang berbeza dan menggabungkan IMF ini dengan turun naik GARCH dan EGARCH untuk membentuk set data input bagi model DL. Di samping itu, kami menggunakan mekanisme perhatian untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan teknik DL. Tambahan pula, hiperparameter untuk model DL dioptimumkan menggunakan algoritma Optuna. Akhir sekali, model ensembel hibrid untuk meramalkan turun naik kadar pertukaran dibangunkan dengan menggabungkan ramalan tiga model DL yang berbeza. Pendekatan yang dicadangkan dinilai berdasarkan pelbagai model penanda aras menggunakan ukuran penilaian seperti MSE, MAE, HMSE, HMAE, RMSE, Q-like dan pendekatan set keyakinan model (MCS). Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa pendekatan yang dicadangkan dalam kajian ini menyediakan ramalan turun naik FX yang tepat dan boleh dipercayai di bawah rejim ramalan yang berbeza, menjadikannya alat yang berharga untuk pengamal dan penyelidik kewangan.


Kata kunci: CEEMDAN; ensembel; kemeruapan kadar pertukaran mata wang; Optuna; pembelajaran mendalam



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